Earth Week @ FMCP

There’s much to do in FMCP & Willow Lake this spring so c’mon down and make it pretty for everyone to enjoy from April 18-April 24. The power of volunteers helps us take care of the Park and volunteering is a great way to meet other community members, get to know the Park staff, build your resume, and gain environmental awareness.

April 18, Brighten Up the Pat Dolan Trail
April 19, Mulch & clean to make the park green
April 20, April showers welcome at the Rain Garden
April 21, Walk along the Promenade
April 22, Earth Day, revive the Garden of Meditation
April 23, Find beauty among the thorns
April 24, Spring serenity planting

For details visit our Environmental Stewardship page or call 718-760-6469. To volunteer call the Conservancy’s President Jean at 718-544-7436 or go to or